Life Changing Block Schedule System How To Create A Daily Routine
Life Changing Block Schedule System How To Create A Daily Routine So many moms want to have a productive schedule with their kids, but it’s so hard to know how to create a daily routine! there are lots of ways to get starte. The block schedule™ system is something i made up years ago that has increased my productivity by 10 fold (or more!) and is hands down one of the most useful, viral, and effective principles i share in all of my productivity boot camp program (psst use the code fcfblog for 10% off!). the block schedule not only helps you get more done in a.
Life Changing Block Schedule System Life Changing Productivity Hack How to organize a block schedule. have a binder, planner, notebook, or free printable to schedule in. create a “master list” of tasks. decide on your time blocks. fill in the blocks. get stuff done! 🙂. we will go over these steps in a little more detail now. One. pick a 2 4 hour period in your day you can consistently block off. then pick a few tasks you’d like to get done at that time of day and stick to it for at least a week. after that week, see how you feel. maybe you’ll realize you like having that productive block in your day. 30 minutes exercise. then, 30 minutes for you – morning routine. 30 minutes jumpstart on the house. that way you’ve started your day with a full 90 minutes to use on your own. yes, it’s possible to have your kids get up and out of bed at the right time, my 9 kids are proof of that. Step 1: brain dump. to get started you will want to sit down and make a list of all your responsibilities. think broadly, such as “pay bills” vs. “pay the power bill.”. next, highlight any activities or items that have a set day time.
The Block Schedule System Life Changing Fun Cheap Or Free 30 minutes exercise. then, 30 minutes for you – morning routine. 30 minutes jumpstart on the house. that way you’ve started your day with a full 90 minutes to use on your own. yes, it’s possible to have your kids get up and out of bed at the right time, my 9 kids are proof of that. Step 1: brain dump. to get started you will want to sit down and make a list of all your responsibilities. think broadly, such as “pay bills” vs. “pay the power bill.”. next, highlight any activities or items that have a set day time. What to keep in mind as you build your schedule: 1) give yourself enough time to accomplish your tasks. 2) but don’t make the blocks too long or you will procrastinate! 3) allow for flexibility: since no two days are exactly alike, make sure your schedule will work on your busiest day as well as your least busy day. 7:30 9:00 get ready for the day, morning routine with kids, and drop off for kids. 9 11:30 work time. 11:30 12:30 lunch & errands. 12:30 3:00 deep work during naptime for youngest (no distractions) 3:00 4:00 scheduling planning for work and family. finishing small day tasks, email, planning for tomorrow, energy break.
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