Chamber To Chamber Morta Jonynaite
Chamber To Chamber Morta Jonynaite Wim, val and ray are three androgynous personas with different habits, dreams and troubles. they are fictitious characters, yet convincing humans who came from chambers and continue growing on their own. those chambers were built out of my archive. in every room there are bits of fashion, photography, stills of films, nature and moments of. On the last day of july, morta jonynaitė’s exhibition “crossbars” opened at marcinkonys station gallery. ~ the mycelium moves under my feet, stretches, knits together, connects, until, standing on the forest bed, i try to look at the space between the trees. eyes close, slipping and moving away, caught by spider webs. around the felling.
Chamber To Chamber Morta Jonynaite Morta jonynaitė (b. 1995) is a lithuanian artist. exploring the environment through tactility, she tries to grasp different phenomena using traditional textile techniques. hand weaving and net tying are crafts with a clear structure. 2022 07 19. tinklai, mazgai ir tekstai. interviu su menininke morta jonynaite. agnė sadauskaitė. pastaruoju metu ieškau kūrybos, pavojaus ir nerimo laikais kviečiančios ne bėgti, bet skatinančios sustoti ir rasti prieglobstį tarpinėje būsenoje. kokie yra būdai išgyventi, kaip rasti ramybę, neprarandant budrumo ir sąmoningumo. Menininkė morta jonynaitė: „meninė veikla man – tai išgyvenimo taktika“. neseniai įvykusi septintoji konkursinė paroda „jcdecaux premija. galimybių bangos“ suteikė galimybę visuomenei susipažinti su penkiais kylančiais talentais ir išvysti naujai sukurtus jų kūrinius, įgyvendintus su Šiuolaikinio meno centru. Menininkė morta jonynaitė aplinką tyrinėja per taktiliškumą ir lėtąsias tekstilės technikas. apie lė 2024.02.06 17:03.
Chamber To Chamber Morta Jonynaite Menininkė morta jonynaitė: „meninė veikla man – tai išgyvenimo taktika“. neseniai įvykusi septintoji konkursinė paroda „jcdecaux premija. galimybių bangos“ suteikė galimybę visuomenei susipažinti su penkiais kylančiais talentais ir išvysti naujai sukurtus jų kūrinius, įgyvendintus su Šiuolaikinio meno centru. Menininkė morta jonynaitė aplinką tyrinėja per taktiliškumą ir lėtąsias tekstilės technikas. apie lė 2024.02.06 17:03. Square root on the left hemisphere, shame appears as a scorpion residing within one’s body, it scratches the cheeks, crawls up the ears. embarassement, which unveils us once unpleasant words are said out loud or, contrary, once we become voiceless and everything what’s said sounds like a phonogram, echoing foreign thoughts. This installation aims to capture the transitional space between the sea and the shore. it acts as a dynamic boundary, reflecting the ever changing processes of the modern world, characterized by constant flux and influenced by disruptive natural events that significantly impact our daily lives.
Chamber To Chamber Morta Jonynaite Square root on the left hemisphere, shame appears as a scorpion residing within one’s body, it scratches the cheeks, crawls up the ears. embarassement, which unveils us once unpleasant words are said out loud or, contrary, once we become voiceless and everything what’s said sounds like a phonogram, echoing foreign thoughts. This installation aims to capture the transitional space between the sea and the shore. it acts as a dynamic boundary, reflecting the ever changing processes of the modern world, characterized by constant flux and influenced by disruptive natural events that significantly impact our daily lives.
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